Serving Memphis, Cordova, Germantown & Collierville TN It’s not every day that you wake up and think “Oh, I might have termites,” but if a termite inspector in Cordova tells you that these pests have infiltrated your home, it can be a scary, overwhelming feeling. Termites are often an unnoticed threat, but they cost homeowners across America, collectively, billions of dollars. There are so many termites that it’s estimated there are 1,000 pounds of termites for every person on Planet Earth. At AAA Termite and Pest Control, we are determined to make the general public more knowledgeable about this threat. …
Tips for Pest Control This Winter
Serving Memphis, Cordova, Germantown & Collierville TN Are you worried about pests this winter? The cooler air outside drives pests inside to look for a temporary home where it is warm and dry, as well as search for food. Taking the right precautions, there is no reason to fear pests getting into your home this winter. AAA Termite and Pest Control has some tips on how to keep your Cordova or Memphis home or property pest-free this winter! Get Rid of What Pests Want Pests are searching for specific conditions when winter comes. Be sure to inspect your home for …
Why get a Termite Inspection this Winter
Serving Memphis, Cordova, Germantown & Collierville TN No one wants to hear the phrase, “you’ve got termites.” While home and business owners assume termites are dormant during the winter, that is certainly not the case. Your termite specialists in Cordova at AAA Termite & Pest Control wants you to be aware of these three reasons why you need to get a termite inspection this winter. First, what are termites, for those readers who may not be well informed of this common pest of Tennessee? Termites are small, and soft-bodied, usually pale in color and congregate in rather large colonies. Termites …
Tips to keeping Pests out of your Home this Winter
Serving Memphis, Cordova, Germantown & Collierville TN Colder weather is upon us, unfortunately! While many people think that certain insects and pests die off during these cold months, that isn’t always the case. Instead, they just make their way inside looking for food, water, and shelter. Most homes in the Memphis area will experience unwanted house guests this winter, and we aren’t talking about your relatives that come to visit for the holidays! AAA Termite & Pest Control wants you to you know about tips you can practice to keep pests out of your home this winter. Get a good …
Can Termites Return after Treatment
Serving Memphis, Cordova, Germantown & Collierville TN If you have had termites infiltrate your home, and then received treatment from a Memphis pest control company, you probably will be concerned that termites will return. You are right to be worried. Termites can come back, and if your home already has sustained damage from these pests, it will be even more vulnerable to a major infestation. Don’t let this happen to you! Follow these tips from your Memphis termite experts at AAA Termite and Pest Control to prevent a repeat infestation of termites in your home. Hire the right pest control …
Scare off Cold-Weather Pests this Halloween
Serving Memphis, Cordova, Germantown & Collierville TN Spiders are a popular motif in Halloween decorations but did you know that, at that time of year, you are much more likely to encounter the real thing? Your Memphis pest control experts at AAA Termite and Pest Control want to educate you on the potential dangers of cold-weather pests, and how to scare away these pests this Halloween. Spiders reach maturity during the fall season, meaning they tend to be especially active by October 31. In most climates, the moist and cool temperatures during that time of year make this prime time …
Termite Letters Should be part of your Home Buying Process
Serving Memphis, Cordova, Germantown & Collierville TN West Tennessee has a warm, humid climate. This makes for mild winters but also makes the area a breeding ground for termites and other wood-destroying insects. These subterranean insects can be overlooked if you are in the midst of buying a home, but they shouldn’t be. Your Memphis pest control professionals at AAA Termite and Pest Control are here to explain why a termite letter should be part of your home buying process. If you are a homeowner or you currently are looking to purchase a home, you need to be aware of the …
Reasons to Hire a Pest Control Company
Serving Memphis, Cordova, Germantown & Collierville TN Insects and rodents are called pests for a reason. A pest infestation can cause property damage, raise the threat of illness for your pets and loved ones, and even may contaminate your home. If you see ants crawling in your kitchen or notice a scurrying spider in your living room, you may be tempted to run to your local store for a can of bug spray to handle the problem yourself. However, for lasting removal of any type of household pests, you should hire a professional pest control service in Memphis to do the …
Spider Myths Busted
Serving Memphis, Cordova, Germantown & Collierville TN It is common for people to be fearful or afraid of spiders. This phobia is referred to as arachnophobia, and it does exist! While many people may not mind spiders living outside, they most certainly do not want them anywhere near or inside their home. Whatever may be the cause of this phobia, there are certainly some common myths about spiders that may feed into this fear. Your Memphis area pest control provider AAA Termite and Pest Control is here to set the record straight. While you may not want spiders in your home, …
Why Mosquitos Find Some People Irresistible
Serving Memphis, Cordova, Germantown & Collierville TN Every day that you are outside during the summer puts you at risk for being bitten by a disease-carrying mosquito. Does it ever seem like mosquitos are attracted to you, and not other people around? It is not your imagination, health experts have now discovered that mosquitos do find some people irresistible. Certain people such as pregnant women, people with Type O blood, and athletes attract mosquitos more than other people do. Also, drinking alcohol slightly raises your body temperature, which is what experts believe attracts mosquitos to people who drink. For pregnant women, …