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Have you Heard of Zika Virus?

Memphis, Cordova, Germantown & Collierville  TN Why are the health communities so alarmed about Zika and its potential effects? The alarming fact is that there is a strong link between the virus and a neurological disorder called microcephaly that occurs in unborn babies. Microcephaly is a condition that causes babies to be born with abnormally small heads, which causes significant developmental issues and even infantile death. Cases of microcephaly are on the rise in countries where Zika is prevalent; the U.S. Center for Disease Control has even warned pregnant women to avoid traveling to those affected areas. It seems inevitable that …

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Flying Ants or Something Else?

Memphis, Cordova, Germantown & Collierville  TN Brownish or black in color, pavement ants are about 2.5 to 3 mm in length and have parallel lines on the thorax portion of their body. These insects tend to forage for food by invading buildings and homes. They will consume anything from meat, other live or even dead insects, seeds, or grease. When pavement ants mate, the queens reproduce males with wings and female reproductive ants, known as swarmers. The swarmers are what create new colonies by mating. These flying ants reproduce around June or July. After they mate, the females leave to become …

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It’s a Bird, it’s Plane, it’s a SPIDER!!!

It’s a bird, it’s plane it’s a SPIDER!!!  Call AAA Termite & Pest Control!!  It is amazing how a “big bug” can illicit such fear and panic, in both men and women.  The only thing that is worse than finding a bug and having to kill it is finding a bug & LOSING said bug. Now your fears really start to run wild. In fact, many a pest control inspection in Memphis has started off with “I saw a spider and now I can’t find the spider!” Even though we have some nasty tenants that live around these parts, aka …

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Termite Clearance Letters

Serving Memphis, Cordova, Germantown & Collierville  TN As you are looking to purchase your new slice of heaven, you will run into many forms and reports that you will need to complete. One of those, a termite clearance letter, is referred to by many different names including: The Termite Clearance Letter NPMA 33 Closing Inspection Report WDO Report WDI Report Termite Inspection Letter Real Estate Clearance Letter or a variation of these terms, all lead to one report. The findings from this report simply state that a licensed termite company has conducted a quality inspection of your future home. This termite …

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How do we get Rid of Termites?

Serving Memphis, Cordova, Germantown & Collierville TN Moisture control Termites thrive in damp environments. Be sure to control the ventilation under your home by closing your air vents in the winter, and opening the vents during the summer. Try reducing the amount of moisture around your foundation, and keep your gutters clear of debris. Repair damaged wood If you have any cracks in the wood structure of your home, repair them. Rotten wood attracts termites, therefore, be sure to replace any damaged wood immediately. Cedar, juniper, and redwood are least preferred by termites, so these options would be ideal for …

Killing bugs? Call the experts, it could help save your life!

Serving Memphis, Cordova, Germantown & Collierville  TN This was certainly true for one Florida man when he set fire to his apartment in an attempt to kill ants! He figured smoking the ants out of his apartment was the best DIY method of pest extermination. Needless to say, he was certainly wrong. The police arrived just in time before the fire had a chance to harm the man or his neighbors. Sound a little nerve rattling? It certainly should, which is why pest extermination is best left to the pros. Between constant maintenance and repairs, homeownership can be costly. Homeowners inevitably …

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Extermination or Bug Eating, Which Is Better?

Serving Memphis, Cordova, Germantown & Collierville TN The practice of eating insects is referred to as entomophagy, and nearly 2 billion people on the plant regularly partake in eating insects and have been doing so for decades. Insects are most widely consumed in parts of Southeast Asia, Latin America, and Central Africa. The most popular insects to consume are caterpillars, beetles, wasps, bees, and ants. Not sure if eating insects is right for you? Aside from saving on your extermination bill, eating bugs has some health benefits too. Entomophagy advocates support that insects are packed with protein and are more …

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How to say “Thank You” to an entire community and have a meaningful impact at the same time.

Serving Memphis, Cordova, Germantown & Collierville  TN Okay, right off the bat let me apologize for my rather wordy and sappy title of my first blog.  Read on for a few seconds and allow me to redeem myself. A few years back, AAA was celebrating our 40th year and since we are a family business, started by my mom and dad, we wanted to do something very personal to “Thanks” but we didn’t really know what to do.  So we decided to possibly try some giveaways on our Facebook page.  We “thought” that by showing pictures of Memphis from the last …

The Crazy Ant

Serving Memphis, Cordova, Germantown & Collierville TN Late last month I got a call from Earle Farrell, with My Fox Memphis Channel 13, asking if I could sit down with him and do an interview into a new species of ant that has recently gotten some national media attention – the Crazy Ant. I met with him and ended up doing an on air segment that ended up being run over and over for several days. I always appreciate the opportunity to meet with someone and try and get the facts out to the public regarding any type of insect …

Spring Swarms

Serving Memphis, Cordova, Germantown & Collierville TN Everyone has heard the saying, “April showers bring May flowers,” but guess what else? The spring weather can usher in SWARMING TERMITES! Each year we are bombarded with calls from frantic homeowners shrieking that they have literally thousands of winged insects in their home. Or maybe they’ve been working out in the flowerbed, and when they dug into their mulch, they discovered millions of small white little creatures crawling everywhere. Regardless of how you find those nasty little termites, there is one thing you always need to remember, don’t panic. Finding active termites …